Frequently Asked Questions:

Shipping & Delivery

What are the delivery charges?

The delivery charges depend on the client’s geographical location.

What is the estimate delivery time?

The Delivery time varies according to each product, available products take up to 5 business days to be delivered but custom made products and designs take from 3-6 weeks to be delivered.

Do prices include delivery and assembling?

Prices don’t include delivery fees or assembling fees.


What are your Warranty Policies?

  • 1 year warranty on chair accessories.
  • 1 year warranty on wooden products.

Green Nest is not responsible for product misuse.

Returns & Refunds

What is the return policy?

  • You can return a product within 14 days from purchase.
  • It has to be in it’s original condition and isn’t damage due to usage.
  • The client pays for the return shipping fees.

When will I get my refund?

Usually in about 2 weeks. Most refunds are fully refunded in 3-5 days after we receive and process your return.

Payment Methods

What are the Payment Options?

  • Pay On Delivery: If the product is available.
  • Pay With Card: If it’s a custom design/by request.

Materials used for Our Products

What are the wood materials you use for your products?

It depends on the product but we mainly use the following:

  • MDF Kronospan Romanian
  • HPL
  • Polylac
  • Gloss Max
  • Matte Plus
  • LPL
  • MedLam
  • Counter Good Wood
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